Feb 26, 2013 - Chapter 1. General ARTICLE 1.0. The purpose of this Code is thepractical safeguard. Philippine Electrical Code Part 1.
Which of the following statement is NOT true? Electrical equipment and wiring not mentioned in the code shall require a special permission prior to installation. Extended use of temporary installation shall not require a new approved electrical permit. An application of inspect ion shall be filed with the government agency concerned before a preliminary and or final inspection is done. A copy of the electrical permit shall be posted or kept at the job site at all times, until the approval of the work have been made. Transformers that contain liquid that will burn shall be installed only in approved vaults and shall also comply with the following conduit ions EXCEPT one. Which one is this?

Ample ventilation shall be provided for the continuous removal of flammable gases. Vent openings shall lead to a safe location outside the building. All vent ducts and openings shall be of sufficient areas to reliable explosion pressures within the vault. There shall be robust door between the vault and any non-hazardous location. To improve the insulation resistance of a motor, it is first cleaned, washed, varnished then baked. Which is very economical and effective method of baking particularly the inside coils of a large motor? Putting incandescent lamps around the winding and cover B.

Hanging resistor strips inside the core and cover C. Putting it inside the baking oven and control the oven temperature D. Primer cv na anglijskom dlya moryakov en. Connecting the terminals to variable low voltage supply and increase the baking current gradually until the desired baking temperature is attained, making sure that the rated current is not exceed. Which of the following statements in NOT correct?
The use of an inductive ballast for fluorescent lamps is usually because it is the most efficient B. Lighting fixtures having exposed ballasts shall be so installed that they will NOT be in contact with combustible materials C. A ballast which incorporates an autotransformer to raise the voltage to more than 300 V shall be supplied only by a supply system which is grounded D. A receptacle outlet installed outdoors shall be located so that water accumulation is NOT likely to touch the outlet cover or plate. The use of rigid metal conduits shall be permitted under all atmospheric conditions subject to the following conditions EXCEPT one.
Which one is this? Aluminum fittings and enclosures shall be permitted to be used with rigid steel conduits. Ferrous metal conduits shall be permitted to be installed in concrete. Conduits shall be permitted to be used in sand fill which is subject to permanent moisture. Where the ferrous raceways are protected solely by enamel, the use is permitted only indoors.
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